Good Week

ttot, gratitude blog

  1. A lollipop from my daughter she bought from her allowance debit card. It is her first purchase and she thought of me.
  2. My Fitbit and challenges I am in with my Fitbit friends encourage me to walk 10,000+ steps a day.
  3. The nice weather allows me to enjoy some time outside on my lunch break.
  4. My walking partner Velvet who is a dear to be with. She does not bark to other dogs and their people.
  5. Beautiful scenes like this birdhouses to be enjoyed while walking.
  6. My first ceramic plate in years I painted. What a stress reliever to paint this.
  7. Another painting, my only Denver Broncos cup.
  8. Daughter's love of painting gives us more reason to spend time together. Look at this box she painted.
  9. The home recipe to bathe poor Velvet who got sprayed by a skunk.
  10. Not pictured here is my son who got all A's but one B this summer semester in 12th grade.
This end of the week has been good. Today, perhaps, we'll even go to the mountains and take a hike.

gratitude blog, TTot


  1. Can velvet teach Julie not to bark? I love all the paintings! Julie also got hit by a skunk this week

  2. Can velvet teach Julie not to bark? I love all the paintings! Julie also got hit by a skunk this week

    1. I've own dogs since I can remember and this is the first skunk spray. It was a big work getting the fouls smell out of Velvet.
      Well, my poodle, barks a lot too. Maybe it's a small dog kinda thing. They have to show the big dogs they are superior.

  3. Lovely weather, time with family, and lots of painting.
    Love it.

  4. Hope the skunk smell goes away soon! Congrats to your son!

  5. My favorite is the lolly picked especially for you!

  6. You and your daughter are both very artistic! I think it's terribly sweet (no pun intended) that she bought you a lollipop as her first debit purchase. And good for your son to get those grades, especially in the summer!


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