Sweet Times

Say hello to our new dog, Bando. He is an 8-week old boxer mix dog. We estimate he will grow and weigh up to 70 pounds. As my family got over the untimely death of our miniature poodle, Snowball, we all welcome this new baby, Bando, into the house.
Josiah loves dogs and our dogs love him. They are all are very sweet. 

We can't have too much sweetness in the house. So grandma got some cupcakes for them to decorate. Josiah decided to decorate his face instead though.

It was a mix of cool nights and warm to hot days. It's nice to go out and be around the water, even man-made dams. We took a hike this morning.

I am still growing plants, even indoors. Here is today's picture of my little aquaponics. Fish in the bottom, plants on top. I like these sprouts on my salad.

I lost my father a few years ago. He died in the hospital after a few days stay. His passing, however painful to us, was a relief for him. I am thankful his suffering ended.

I feel grateful for a good week. Happy Father's Day to all the fathers at heart.

Ten Things of Thankful


  1. Bando is a cutie.I am impressed with the manner in which you are growing your sprouts! Years ago I used to grow sprouts in a quart jar. I can’t remember now why it was that I stopped doing that.

  2. Have a good weekend. (Excellent looking doggy!)

  3. Cute pupper! Cute kiddos! Your aquaponics is really cool!

  4. Puppies are so much fun (and so much work)! Congrats on your new arrival.
    What fun memories you are making with your grandchildren!

  5. Bando is adorable and his playmates too!


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