Indoors or Outdoors?

Indoors or outdoors? These choices are as easy to answer like paper or plastic? We answered outdoors, of course. While we can and while it's available.

The weather is decent this week we got to have the top down for a little bit while driving to Steamboat Springs and breathe (mostly, I hope) fresh air. The experience is so freeing unlike wearing a face mask inside a store, for example. 

I thank God, for the beauty of nature we can still enjoy. I thank God for our health that we can still hike a little bit and get to see the falls. 

We have harvested a few tomatoes untouched by the birds. Perhaps they are really afraid of Mr. Scare Owl especially that he looks scary after the ugly feathers I attached to him. :) Thank you, Mr. Owl.

I am having another batch of donations as I unpack more belongings from my move. I am thankful I am lucky enough to have some extras to share.

I am happy to find little plants for the fairy garden. 

With the 4th set of grow lights, my indoor plants are perking up. Perhaps in two weeks, I would have some lettuce to harvest.

I hope you all choose to be happy next week the best that you can.
