Amid the beeps and alarms of machines,
You stand tall in all the scenes
A guardian angel for the ill and weak,
Sick, frail, and patients who can't speak
Your compassion knows no bounds,
Your dedication, as you make rounds
You give care to those unfortunate
And soothe their pain with care and courage
Though the daily shifts may seem long,
And the days in the week ahead are uncertain,
Take heart, dear nurses, and stay strong,
For many lives, you lift some burden
Your tireless efforts do not go unnoticed,
Your sacrifices are deeply appreciated,
For you are the ones who keep us grounded
And give us the strength to persevere, undaunted.
So here's to the nurses in the ICU,
Thank you all for the work that you do,
May you find more power and push through
And know that we are grateful to you.
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